
Spring is the first AI secretary, an app that manages and connects the phone calls you need to make to keep your business moving forward.

Workplace communication has evolved significantly over the last two decades. Asynchronous platforms have become a cornerstone of team collaboration, however, not with their faults. The team at Spring recognized that although communication technology has evolved, there is still no replacement for phone calls. A phone call is quick and nuanced, and decisions can often be made faster than they can asynchronously.

The problem is, actually getting on a quick phone call can be difficult. Call attempts are missed, text messages become a spiral of back-and-forth "are you free?", and voicemails, well, forget about it.

Spring is the first platform that acts as your AI secretary, automatically connecting you with the people you need to to speak with when availability aligns.


Brand Identity
Website Design
App Design
User Experience
Brand Support

Brand Evaluation

Spring came to us without any prior branding work—they needed their brand to be built from the ground up. The North Star we identified was that the product must feel so effortless and intuitive to use that the customer was not inclined to fall back on their previous communication behaviors (in many cases using text message to attempt to connect for a quick call).

With this in mind, we defined Spring's core brand attributes as Effortless, Intuitive, and Fresh. This was also the inspiration for the Spring name, which our team helped conceptualize. The name and attributes together communicate how the customer should feel while using the product, a core foundation to the brand that would inform all of its expressions.

Brand Guidelines

We explored numerous concepts of the Spring logo, but ultimately one mark stood apart. The mark is a play on the Spring name, a visual reference to a spring—the perfect expression of what it's like to use the app, becoming a spring for effortless phone calls and decision-making. A spring represents forward motion, which is a core benefit of Spring's product, and therefore a powerful visual concept for the brand.

In examining the competitive landscape, we identified that almost all competitors use a sans serif type stack. As another opportunity to stand apart, we selected a modern serif for the headline font. The color palette was designed to feel fresh and empowering, and a marketing website was designed to communicate the product problem-solution and drive new users to sign up. All of this was then packaged in a brand guidelines doc.

App Design

Alongside the brand guidelines work, our team designed the Spring app, which Spring's executive team decided would be built on iOS for the first release. We performed a study of the most widely used workplace communications apps, and with our findings set out to design a user experience that felt natural and seamless within the typical professional's workflow.

Once the UI and UX was approved by Spring's team, we built the codebase and launched the app for internal beta testing. Through the process we offered guidance to the Spring team, helping them plan beta testing groups, strategize launch, and plan feature rollouts in a way that is budget-conscious but built for scale.

Learn more about our process

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